If you would like to make a donation to the Giving Tree that is being put together for Shawn and the kids, please follow these instructions:
Thank you for all of your help in bringing this tree together. I know that the memories that will be created will sustain hearts through some of the trying times ahead. May you be blessed for your generosity.
Becky Anderson
Many of us thought, hoped, and prayed that this day would never come. How could some nasty, mutating cells take the woman who had the world on her wings, with sunshine in her eyes, and healing laughter in her breath? I am sad to report that early this morning, in Shawn’s loving arms, Lindsay passed from this veil of tears and pain, but I am here to say that cancer DID NOT WIN! Lindsay is done with her battle with cancer and is now free to share with loved ones in heaven and earth alike the power of her example and that is how I would describe Lindsay, POWERFUL…in word and deed!
When doctors gave her months, she took years, she was in charge and she left a lasting testimony of her incredible fight. Her never ending legacy rests in the hearts of her beautiful children and Shawn, in her family and in the thousands of us that have been touched by this unique and amazing soul. In that way, CANCER DID NOT WIN! Is there one of us that will ever look at a yellow high heel shoe in the same way? Will we look at our children and marriages differently? Will we face the challenges in our own lives with more grace because we knew and loved her? That is the definition of winning!
So on a really hard day never let it be said that Lindsay Richards lost her battle to cancer. I am so proud of Lindsay, Shawn, and their kids. Following their examples let us recommit ourselves to truly LIVE not just survive, to LOVE with all of our hearts not just part…because that is how each of us will hold Lindsay’s legacy with honor and fight to our own finish!
****We will be doing a Giving Tree for Shawn and the kids to help them through this difficult time. If you would like to participate please follow the link https://www.anythingforafriend.com/index.php?cID=252 or mail your contribution to 2573 N. 2450 E. Layton, 84040. I will post details about delivery date and start of list of names (anonymous or otherwise) that have made contributions so that the Anything for a Friend family can warm the hearts of Lindsay’s family at this time of sorrow.
Donations made for the Richard's Giving Tree:
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