Willard is a thirteen year old boy who lives here in Utah. He has recently been diagnosed with lymphoma, which has come as a shock to his family and friends. His parents, Suavis and Bonaventure, who are originally from Burundi became refugees due to war and were resettled in the United States. They have two sons of their own, as well as two foster children. They both have worked so hard to get an education to provide a happy life for their children, and they are also very active in helping the community. Not only are they foster parents, but Suavis has also started a nonprofit to help youth from Burundi. The family has faced and overcome many challenges, and they are optimistic about helping Willard in fighting his battle with lymphoma. Please join in their fight by helping us put together a giving tree for the family so they can have the means for everything they need this Christmas season. The fundraiser will last through December 9th and the tree will be delivered on Sunday the 12th. If you would like to join us in decorating and/or delivering the tree, please text Angie Dennis at (208) 357-8697. We would love as many people there as we can get! The delivery is sure to be a special occasion for all, and it will help this family to feel loved and supported during this hard time.
Thank you for your kind hearts!
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